Source:ThinkGeoEnergy – Geothermal Energy News
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PT Geo Dipa Energi (Geo Dipa) has awarded the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contract for the Patuha Unit 2 geothermal power plant in West Java, Indonesia to a consortium formed by PT Inti Karya Tehnik (IKPT) and PT Wasa Mitra Engineering (WME).
The contract was awarded to the consortium following a tender announced by Geo Dipa in early 2024. Geo Dipa had previously also engaged with IKPT for the 10-MW Dieng small-scale geothermal power plant. IKPT had also been awarded EPC contracts for the Blawan Ijen geothermal power plant by Medco, and the Wayang Windu Unit 3 by Star Energy.
Completion of the Patuha 2 geothermal power plant is expected by 2027. The Patuha Unit 1 geothermal power plant, which started operations in 2014, has an installed capacity of 60 MW. The total potential of the Patuha geothermal field is estimated to reach 400 MW.
“The potential capacity of the Patuha 2 Geothermal Power Plant exceeds the initial target of 8 MW, it can reach 15-22 MW. The EPC contract value is US$115 million, with a drilling cost of US$400 thousand per MW, the most economical,” said Geo Dipa President Director Yudistian Yunis during the signing of the EPC contract.
Source: Dunia Energi
The post Geo Dipa awards EPC contract for Patuha 2 geothermal power plant, Indonesia first appeared on ThinkGeoEnergy - Geothermal Energy News.