Source:ThinkGeoEnergy – Geothermal Energy News
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Philippa Decker, an Environmental Geologist and resident in Switzerland, recently joined a seismic crew from Geo2X on a seismic acquisition project for geothermal exploration in her hometown of Nyon. In this article, she provides an insider’s perspective on what it’s truly like to conduct seismic surveys in a semi-urban environment (ranging from permitting to acquisition), the effects on the local community, and how the 3D seismic data collected can significantly boost the success rates of identifying geothermal resources—paving the way for sustainable energy development in the region.
In October 2024, flashing lights and hi-vis-clad workers lit up the streets on the outskirts of Nyon, Switzerland. This team looked like any regular maintenance crew working the streets after dark, but in the center of the buzz was a very different type of work vehicle. Equipped with a moveable vibrating element under the chassis, a “vibroseis” truck was being used to create low-frequency source vibrations for a 3D seismic project to map the subsurface of the area.
This was the second of three 3D seismic acquisition campaigns planned across 42 communes around Nyon, Vinzel, and Morges. The project was commissioned via a joint venture between EnergeÔ, a geothermal energy prospector, and government agencies. It aims to produce 3D models of the subsurface geology from the data acquired and provide vital information for the development of future geothermal heating projects in the area.
During the survey, two vibroseis trucks operated simultaneously within the designated quadrangle over several consecutive nights. These trucks generated sound waves that penetrated deep into the subsurface, reflecting off various geological formations. The reflected waves were then captured at ground level by seismic receivers strategically positioned at intervals along the route.
Seismic data acquisition using compact receiver nodes
For its 3D seismic acquisition projects, Geo2X, the seismic contractor appointed to acquire the data on behalf of EnergeÔ, used STRYDE’s autonomous seismic receiver nodes to record the data. These compact, orange devices are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and are secured in place by a small metal spike or buried discreetly on the roadside where possible. These nodes represent the latest generation of seismic receivers, revolutionizing seismic acquisition and minimizing land disruption with their miniature, low-cost, user-friendly design.

These advanced devices enable high-density seismic surveys that deliver rapid access to the high-resolution data needed to make informed decisions, derisking the subsurface geology and leading to optimal geothermal well placement.
This high-density survey employed 5,000 seismic receiver points to capture an extensive volume of data, which is now undergoing data processing. Using sophisticated algorithms and software, the raw seismic data acquired by the nodes is being refined and transformed into detailed 3D subsurface models and interpretations. These models provide the most accurate and noninvasive geological insights, delivering critical information in the most effective way possible.
The success of producing geothermal energy for heating and electricity projects hinges on locating resources that are both sufficiently hot and productive, underscoring the critical role of seismic data in helping geologists pinpoint these hotspots. Improving knowledge of the subsurface through high-density seismic data acquisition enhances the resolution of subsurface images, increasing the chances of identifying optimal geothermal resources while minimizing geological risks during geothermal well construction.
Accompanying me in observing the acquisition process in action were Geo2X’s joint CEOs Chloé Nicaty and David Dupuy. They described STRYDE nodes as “fantastic” in that their small size and ability to be almost entirely buried makes them invisible to passers-by and therefore minimizes the chance of theft and data loss. Another highlight of these nodes is that they offer significant cost savings for their clients, not only because their price per channel is significantly lower than competing technologies but also due to reduced labor and logistical requirements.
They also observed their ability to accelerate project timelines, enabled by more streamlined deployment and retrieval processes, which require only half the personnel typically needed for managing receivers.
Minimizing disruptions, maximizing coverage
The survey area was meticulously planned to ensure maximum coverage while accounting for natural and manmade obstacles. The vibroseis trucks were restricted to existing, surfaced roads, requiring the receivers—ideally placed a few meters from the trucks’ path—to follow these routes. In most cases, nodes were installed on municipal land, but when access to private property was necessary, landowners were contacted directly and asked to grant permission for receiver placement and the passage of the vibroseis team. To ensure transparency, every resident in the survey area received a flyer detailing the project and informing them when to expect the trucks and crews.
Several weeks prior to the acquisition, the receivers were strategically placed along the trace route and programmed to record data exclusively during the designated acquisition period. As fully autonomous devices, these nodes operate independently, requiring no external power or real-time data transfer, minimizing interaction with people and the environment.
The preference was always to bury the nodes as this ensures better reception of the seismic waves as well as avoiding damage or loss. Even in the denser urban areas it was usually possible to find enough soil for the nodes to be buried in holes approximately five by ten centimeters deep. When this was not possible, the nodes were attached to a metal spike and baseplate or zip-tied to surrounding infrastructure and hidden as best as possible.
The Wi-Fi-free, autonomous design of the STRYDE nodes addresses the public’s privacy and safety concerns, particularly in residential areas. With full autonomy, the nodes are safe, secure, and virtually invisible during operations and are ideal for sensitive environments where public trust and minimal disruption are essential for success.
As the crew proceeded on foot down a quiet back street between the lake and the gardens of Prangins Chateau, they entered the private property of stately homes and farm structures. Curious onlookers waved from a window above, and dogs barked from behind a barn as the truck moved steadily along its route, pausing every 20 meters at designated vibration points before continuing to the next.
Each vibration had a single sweep lasting about 30 seconds, producing a sound comparable to that of a passing vehicle or the distant hum of a construction site. They could be felt underfoot when standing right next to the truck but even a few meters away the vibrations were minimal and cows grazing in a paddock nearby barely lifted their heads.
When the team passed through particularly sensitive areas or close to livestock or property, the vibrations were closely monitored by a portable seismometer to ensure that the amplitude of seismic waves produced by the truck was low enough to avoid damage or disturbance to the surrounding structures or livestock. The seismic vibrations produced by the vibroseis vehicles were well below limits imposed by the Swiss norms, but the precise locations and power of each vibration point were logged for future reference.
The surveys were conducted after nightfall, early in the evening, to minimize interference from ambient natural noise and avoid disruptions to local traffic. The trucks traversed the trace lines only once, and the nodes left no visible imprint or damage to the properties, which significantly eased the process of obtaining buy-in and land access approval from landowners.
Once the Vibroseis trucks completed their operations and the nodes finished recording, the collection of the receivers began in the historic, downtown area of Nyon. Workers headed out again on foot armed with specially designed, lightweight backpacks that carry up to 90 nodes per person, in neat racks. The exercise was simple and quick, requiring only six days to retrieve 5,000 nodes using five small teams of two to three people, with minimal training.

Once the nodes were located and de-activated by a custom-designed initialization device and loaded into the trays they were collected by a small vehicle and taken back to the depot for data harvesting and charging.
One of the Geo2X crew, Benoit Goudard, explained; “The GPS location points were accurately recorded by the STRYDE field navigation tablet during their placement so that the nodes can be easily located for rapid retrieval”. This is the second time Benoit has worked with the STRYDE nodal system and with only one day of formal training he was quickly able to head up the retrieval teams and start the data harvesting process.
Getting eyes on the data
Because the STRYDE nodal system is fully autonomous, it does not transmit data in real-time; instead, data is stored within each node and retrieved after the acquisition phase. This approach offers several advantages ranging from operational efficiencies where complexity and points of failure are minimized, allowing for more streamlined field operations, to cost-effectiveness where reducing the need for extensive communication networks leads to lower operational costs and resource requirements.
Once the nodes come in from the field, the racks holding the ten individual nodes are slotted together to make a tray of 90 nodes and loaded into a charging and data harvesting “nest” which resembles a large suitcase. Up to six of these “nests” work in tandem to charge and harvest 540 nodes within four hours.

The data is transferred via an optical link and loaded directly onto computers allowing a first look at the raw data from the seismic survey. This streamlined harvesting system, requiring no dismantling of parts, connectors, or separate charging of batteries, allows important gains in time by minimizing handling of the receivers from the moment they arrive from the field to the download of data.
The need for new and better seismic
The absence of publicly available modern high-resolution and high-density seismic data in Switzerland has created a competitive and strategic imperative for new high-quality 3D seismic data. Unlike countries like Denmark, where seismic data is centralized and shared to facilitate collaborative planning and minimize duplication of effort, Swiss companies must rely on their own resources to secure the detailed subsurface information needed to accurately assess geothermal potential and mitigate exploration risks.
This environment has driven demand for modern, high-resolution data necessary for making informed decisions and maintaining a competitive edge in the fast-growing geothermal market. Recognizing the critical importance of data density and quality in reducing risk and optimizing outcomes, there has been a notable shift toward more widespread adoption of high-density 3D seismic mapping for geothermal exploration in Switzerland.
Until recently, 3D seismic mapping for geothermal exploration was both costly and complex, primarily due to the bulky and outdated receiver equipment traditionally used to record seismic data. This often restricted companies to conducting smaller scale 2D surveys or relying on legacy data, both of which lacked the detail necessary for making well-informed decisions. Technological advancements, such as the introduction of STRYDE’s small, autonomous nodes, have significantly reduced the costs of high-density 3D surveys, making them feasible and efficient, even in densely populated urban areas like Nyon.
The vast amount of data collected during the survey will be utilized by EnergeÔ throughout the geothermal exploration process and will eventually be made publicly available for research, fostering further advancements in geothermal energy development.
Applying a proven blueprint to help companies unlock geothermal potential
Back in the Geo2X office, the planning and permitting team was already working on another upcoming project around the city of Lausanne. This preliminary phase is an important and complex part of any seismic acquisition project and will often take anything from six months to a year to complete.
Streamlining the permitting and planning phase ensures the success of the overall project and helps the acquisition phase run as smoothly as possible. To start this process off, Geo2X creates maps of the survey area and breaks them down into grids, representing the parcels of land and their status concerning access permission, obstacles, etc. The number of parcels to consider can reach in the tens of thousands and the acquisition route can be adjusted dynamically depending on access to land parcels and roads.
Recognizing the complexity and critical importance of this phase for seamless project execution and ensuring data acquisition without gaps, Geo2X has assembled a dedicated team of four to five specialists. This team works closely with private landholders, facilitating direct communication while efficiently managing the extensive information required for planning and permitting processes.
Impressively, Geo2X has also created a purpose-built software application with interactive maps where stakeholders can access up-to-date information on the status of parcels access, the progress of the acquisition, the data harvesting results, etc. The public is also given access to parts of the application via a QR code on the flyer and can follow, in real-time, the progress of the survey, giving local people insight into when the seismic crew and vehicles will be in their area.
Providing local residents with access to real-time survey information about activities in their areas is crucial for fostering transparency, keeping the community informed, and minimizing potential conflicts. This proactive approach has enabled Geo2X to build trust and help ensure residents can prepare for any disruptions, resulting in the delivery of seamless seismic surveys for their clients.

The use of small, non-intrusive receivers has been pivotal in the permitting and operational phases of the survey. With a robust and well-defined approach to surveying and a large inventory of nodes, that sit neatly and discreetly in a corner of their facility, Geo2X has cemented its position as a leading seismic contractor in this rapidly growing region, where the demand for high-quality 3D seismic data continues to rise.
Geo2X’s upcoming 3D seismic acquisition campaigns around Morges and Lausanne in 2025 will showcase the critical importance of their expertly executed, efficient, and cost-effective seismic solutions. By setting a benchmark for successful geothermal exploration, Geo2X is not only advancing sustainable energy development in Switzerland but also paving the way for similar initiatives across Europe, propelling the green energy transition to new heights.
The post The crucial role of community engagement and innovation in geothermal exploration first appeared on ThinkGeoEnergy - Geothermal Energy News.