
“Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe “


The Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism represent the contribution of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway to the reduction of social and economic inequalities in Europe. An important goal of the mechanisms is to strengthen bilateral cooperation between donor countries and beneficiary countries. WITH

the arrangements foreseen through financial mechanisms are in line with the priorities defined in the ten-year strategy of the European Union, EUROPA 2020, with the aim of contributing to growth and the creation of new jobs, the fight against unfavorable climate changes and the development of renewable and sustainable energy sources, as well as the reduction of poverty and social exclusion .

The basis for the establishment of financial mechanisms is the Agreement on the European Economic Area from 1994, which enables Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to participate in the common European market. According to the Agreement, each EU member state has the right to join the European Economic Area, which enables it to use financial mechanisms. Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway have allocated a total of 3.3 billion euros through financial mechanisms in the past twenty years (1994-2014) to finance various projects in EU countries.

In the financing period 2014-2021, the Republic of Croatia has EUR 103.4 million available (EUR 56.8 million under the EEA financial mechanism and EUR 46.6 million under the Norwegian financial mechanism). The share of national co-financing amounts to EUR 9.8 million, which brings the total available funds to EUR 113.2 million.


Trading company GPC INSTRUMENTATION PROCESS d.o.o. is with the manager of the MRRFEU program in November 2023. signed the Agreement on the allocation of grants for the project:

“Development of technical documentation for the use of geothermal energy in the exploitation field of geothermal water Zagreb”

The project goal is the preparation of a study of the geothermal potential of the Zagreb geothermal field and the wider area, as well as the preparation of an Elaborate on reserves for increasing geothermal water reserves.

Overall costs 452.200,00 €
Non-refundable funds 200.000,00 €
% co-financing
Own co-financing 252.200,00 €
% own co-financing

Short description of the project:

The company GPC INSTRUMENTATION PROCESS d.o.o. has a license for the exploitation of water in the Zagreb geothermal field, with an area of 54 km2, where 13 wells have been built, two of which are currently in production. Since 1981, the geothermal field has been heating the Mladost Sports and Recreation Center and warehouses at the Novi Zagreb Hospital, and since 2018 the Faculty of Kinesiology.

The intention of the project holder is to build the heating infrastructure for the future National Children’s Hospital at the Blato location, for the company MC Plus d.o.o. at the Lučko location and at the Mladost location, for heating the Stjepan Radić student dormitories and the student campus within KIF. Our company’s business plan also includes the use of cooled water after the transfer of thermal energy in the children’s hospital for the needs of Terme Zagreb, the construction of which is planned to the west of the hospital. In order to support the pressure in the reservoir and meet ecological criteria, the cooled water will be returned to the reservoir. The required water production capacities of new consumers are greater than 100 l/s, which exceeds the amount of confirmed and probable water reserves of the P1+P2 category.

The necessary documentation for which funds are requested refers to the preparation of the Geothermal Potential Study in order to increase the capacity to accept new consumers. As part of the Study, a trial of water injection into the future injection well Sava-1 will be performed and interference tests between wells KBNZ 1A and 1B, Mladost-1, -2 and Mladost-3 and well Sava-1 will be analyzed. After obtaining the test results, a 3D model will be created for production/impression simulation, which will be described in the Study. In order to connect new consumers, technical documentation for heating/cooling infrastructure and connection to the district heating system will be created at the study level: hospitals, student dormitories, MC Plus d.o.o. facilities, KIF campus and Terme Zagreb, and for infrastructure (installation of pipelines) from the Sava-1 well and the Mladost system.

The content of this subpage is the sole responsibility of the Project Holder and in no way can be considered to reflect the views of the “Energy and Climate Change” Program Manager

Postupci nabave Nositelja projekta GPC INSTRUMENTATION PROCESS d.o.o.

PREDMET NABAVE: Usluga izrade tehničke dokumentacije geološko geofizičke studije geotermalnog potencijala geotermalnog polja Zagreb


ROK ZA DOSTAVU PONUDE: 20.02.2024. do 12,00 sati

Poziv na dostavu ponude – link

Dokumentacija o nabavi – link


Odluka o odabiru ponude – link

Zapisnik o pregledu i ocjeni ponuda za studiju – link

PREDMET NABAVE: Usluga izrade elaborata o rezervama geotermalne vode eksploatacijskog polja „Geotermalno polje Zagreb“


ROK ZA DOSTAVU PONUDE: 20.02.2024. do 14,00 sati

Poziv na dostavu ponude – link

Dokumentacija o nabavi – link


Odluka o odabiru ponude – link

Zapisnik o pregledu i ocjeni ponuda za elaborat – link

Prilog Zapisniku o pregledu i ocjeni ponuda – elaborat – link


In Zagreb, March 26, 2024. years

Invitation to the workshop

Utilization of geothermal energy in the area of ​​the city of Zagreb

Dear Sir,

GPC INSTRUMENTATION PROCESS d.o.o. as the holder of the project “Development of technical documentation for the use of geothermal energy in the exploitation field of geothermal water Zagreb” invites you to a workshop on the topic: Utilization of geothermal energy in the area of ​​the city of Zagreb.
The project “technical documentation for the use of geothermal energy in the Zagreb geothermal water exploitation field” was financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2014 – 2021 with national co-financing by the Republic of Croatia within the “Energy and Climate Change” Program “.
The workshop will be held in Zagreb, on April 5, 2024, in Zagreb, Slavonska Avenija 1c, 2nd floor, starting at 12:30 p.m.
Sincerely, DIRECTOR: Željko Jurilj



GPCIP HRT feature on the regional daily from June 10, 2024.

GPCIP HRT feature on the regional daily from June 10, 2024.

Copyright HRT

13. June 2024.|EEA|

Final conference of the project

Picture gallery from the final conference of the project "Development of technical documentation for the use of geothermal energy in the exploitation field of geothermal water Zagreb" - reference number 62 held on June 10, 2024.
13. June 2024.|EEA|

Zagreb activates its geothermal potential

Geothermal energy is used by the system to which the facilities in the Mladost Sports Park are connected [Source: City of Zagreb / ​​sportskiobjekti.hr]

Only 5 to 10 percent of the geothermal potential of the city […]

12. June 2024.|EEA|

Zagreb has ambitious plans for the use of geothermal energy

Zagreb has been aware of its rich sources of geothermal energy for more than four decades, ever since they discovered hot water beneath the surface of the city. Although they currently use only a small […]

12. June 2024.|EEA|

Geothermal heating to be expanded in Zagreb, Croatia – thinkgeoenergy.com

Following results of a study that shows high potential for geothermal in Zagreb, Croatia, plans are underway to expand the existing geothermal heating system.
The existing geothermal heating system in Zagreb, Croatia will soon be expanded […]

12. June 2024.|EEA|

Zagreb will get a thermal lake and spa: ‘It will be like a volcanic grotto for swimming’

Geothermal energy was discovered in Zagreb more than four decades ago, and it is known that the city lies on rich sources of this renewable energy. However, only a small part of the capacity is […]

12. June 2024.|EEA|

Big plans for the use of geothermal energy in the Zagreb area

Hot water was discovered in Zagreb more than 4 decades ago, since it was known that Zagreb is located on rich sources of geothermal energy. However, only a small part of their capacity is actually […]

12. June 2024.|EEA|

Zagreb students will soon be heated by geothermal energy

A new study revealed a significantly higher geothermal potential of Zagreb
About 4,800 students who are housed in the facilities of the Stjepan Radić Student Dormitory will be heated from October geothermal water, it was highlighted […]

12. June 2024.|EEA|

Zagreb will get a thermal lake and spa: Here is where it will be located

In Zagreb, geothermal energy was discovered more than four decades ago, and the city lies on rich sources of this renewable energy.

However, only a small part of the capacity is currently being used. In order […]

12. June 2024.|EEA|

Zagreb will get a thermal lake and a spa

However, only a small part of the capacity is currently being used. In order to change this, the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum has prepared the necessary documentation for obtaining permits for the construction […]

12. June 2024.|EEA|

Invitation to the final conference of the project

GPC INSTRUMENTATION PROCESS d.o.o. as the project holder
invites you to
“Development of technical documentation for the use of geothermal energy in the Zagreb geothermal water exploitation field” – reference number 62

which will be held […]

08. June 2024.|EEA|

Jurilj: “We have big plans for the use of geothermal energy in the Zagreb area!”

Geothermal energy – Foto: Radio Sljeme / Radio Sljeme

The geothermal well in front of Mladosta is just one of the wells in Zagreb that is well used. It is a network of 54 square kilometers […]

05. April 2024.|EEA|

The unused potential of geothermal energy in Croatia

Zbog komplicirane regulative i visokih početnih ulaganja geotermalne elektrane nisu u potpunosti zaživjele u Hrvatskoj osim u Velikoj Glinici kod Bjelovara koja je jedina geotermalna elektrana u Hrvatskoj. No zbog sve viših cijene energenata u svijetu u fokus investitora ponovno dolaze izvori energije na koje ne utječu globalne neprilike.
05. April 2024.|EEA, Uncategorized|

Invitation to the workshop Utilization of geothermal energy in the area of ​​the city of Zagreb

Dear Sir,

GPC INSTRUMENTATION PROCESS d.o.o. as the holder of the project “Development of technical documentation for the use of geothermal energy in the exploitation field of geothermal water Zagreb” invites you to a workshop on […]

26. March 2024.|EEA|

A successful conference on geothermal energy was held in Zagreb

Listen to this article (CROATIAN):

The conference was organized by students of the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum within the Student Branch of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists

Zagreb, more precisely the Faculty of Mining, […]

12. March 2024.|EEA|

The application of geothermal energy in Croatia offers enormous potential

Source: Mike Goad / Pixabay

Future experts must familiarize themselves with the challenges of the energy transition already now
The education of experts in the field of mining, geology and oil mining, as well as any other […]

07. March 2024.|EEA|

Conference on geothermal energy in March

The Conference on Geothermal Energy is prepared by the Zagreb student branch of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPGZG).

The three-day professional meeting is mainly intended for students, but also for anyone interested in the […]

06. February 2024.|EEA|

Are you interested in geothermal energy?

The education of experts in the field of geology is crucial in the era of energy transition as a global challenge. The goal of the Zagreb student branch of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists […]

05. February 2024.|EEA|

Soon, two international student events at the RGN faculty

The Republic of Croatia is rich in geothermal energy, which is not used enough even though it has great potential. Namely, the geothermal gradient in the Republic of Croatia is 60% higher compared to the […]

02. February 2024.|EEA|